Tagged: Coming Soon

Stop! Essay Time!

Okay, so that’s a cheesy MCHammer ripoff for a title.  I’ve punted on this essay for 3 days even though it’s written in my head.  I’m working on it as I watch the Cubs/Cards.  NOTE: If the Cubs win the rest of their 33 remaining games, they’ll still only be at 87 wins.  A little perspective.  (sigh)

Peace, E Maj



The Cubs have a 3 game set with St. Louis, whom they’ve beaten 7 of 7 times this year.  Wrigleyville should be hopping, with a major influx of Cardinal red.  This is also the weekend of the Chicago Air & Water Show, where, amongst other things, planes such as the Blue Angels and Stealth Bombers fly around Chicago.

Funny aside:  Typically, every year, some hotshot F-15 pilot buzzes Wrigley.  I remember 5 years ago sitting in the 1st base side upper deck w/the plane emerging from the clouds coming right at us.  "So this is how it ends."  The plane couldn’t have been more than 30 feet above the stadium as it passed. 

3 years ago, once again, said pilot buzzes the stadium, and Cubs Korean rookie Hee Soip Choi hits the deck(Incoming!) in the dugout as if under attack.  Surreal.  Cubs players gave him the bidness after that, as one can imagine. 

Peace, E Maj


Meeting about the Meeting


Baseball trip tabled until a week from tomorrow.  My buddy Jim who’s going with has 3-4 projects he needs to do some hand-holding on.  It’s perfect.  This way, we’ll be able to flow and go where we need to without a timeline.  St. Louis Cards are in Chitown this weekend, so that’ll be a big weekend no matter the records. 

I’ll pump out a re-write of the Nomar/Joe D article for www.spikesballparks.com , focus on the bookstore www.transitionsbookplace.com , i’m putting together a Rock-n-Roll benefit for a charity to be named later, in a few months.

Let’s drink some High Lifes, and keep the baseball talk elevated.  Within a few, I’ll be posting a lot more pictures of my baseball experiences.  It’s an evolution, so thanks for the patience, and tuning in. 

Peace, E Maj



Zambrano wins his 10th.  Stud.  Awesome season especially given the Dusty malfeasance. 

On a retreat for 3 days, and then driving back from East.  Thinking of hittin’ Philly, then Pittsburgh, then the Jake in Cleveland.  We reserve the right to stop for 100 lb blonds, aethetic purposes.  Metaphorically speaking, of course. 

I’m looking forward to what is going to be a ridiculously fun trip.  I’ll even take a a bunch of proprietary pics if MLB.com will pump it up.  Hint Hint!.  LOL..

Visit www.transitionsbookplace.com or www.spikesballparks.com my friends if you wish to know what I’m doing.  What is.

Peace, E maj


Beginning of the End


Should have a 1st half recap/2nd half preview shortly.  Currently finishing an essay for www.spikesballparks.com , watching the markets, Salvation Army dropoff, post office trip, playing w/Ella, looking for a new condo, building Dump Dusty website, and typing this.  All in preparation for the Cubs game today, and pondering whether to go for the Guiness book of World Record ounces of beer/body weight ratio.  Got the Bob Hope seats today…Sweet.   

I’ll be back. 

Peace, E maj


All-Star Break

Wow.  6 hours and 19 minute game on the South Side yesterday.  Whitesox beat the RedSox 6-5. 

Line of the day: Trot Nixon 9 0 0 0  whilst attaining the ‘Golden Sombrero’.  Ouch.  Varitek went 0 fer 8 as well.  (‘Tek’s only hitting .232?). 

I investigated taking a last minute trip out to Pittsburgh to chronicle the All-Star game, but it wasn’t meant to be.  No worries.  Bob Schneider is in town tonight for a double concert (www.bobschneidermusic.com) at Schuba’s, and I have some skull sessions planned w/my bookstore partner as well (www.transitionsbookplace.com )

Things I’m considering for after the break: road trip from Boston to Chicago hittin’ a few ballparks along the way.   A trip to Coors Field to see the Cubs Aug 10-13.   You can throw Miller Park(milwaukee) in there as well.  I’m also scheduled to throw out the Opening Pitch for a Triple A team—too funny— details to follow. 

Thanks for tuning in, and feel free to drop me a line. 

Peace, E Maj


Yo Yo

yo…was away for a couple days spontaneously…went to another Jedi mind seminar for 8 hours a day, 3 straight days….for real…as my Bostonian boyz would say, these dude were ‘wicked smaht’….howz about 2+ posts a day this week from the BBheckler starting Monday….

as always, thanks for chiming in, and reach me at bbheckler@yahoo.com

Peace, E Maj 

Quick Thoughts/On deck

1)We’ll cover the Steroids Era/Bonds saga, and Heckle the spineless media, most of whom enabled the Steroids Era by never saying ****.  Buster Olney was one of the few I saw that took responsibility previously.  Any others?

2)Perhaps it’s a good time to re-hash my "How Steroids Saved Baseball Article" from last October.

3)The bBHeckler will be chronicling Round 2, and the Finals of the WBC Live.

4)Full ML preview(every team) during same timeframe.

5)Keep tuning in.  We’re gonna have serious fun this year.  I’ve been itching to write more, but there is a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that we at the BBHeckler are working on.  The Blog is an appetizer.  Plus, E Maj has become pre-occupied w/learning how to shoulder-fart the National Anthem and pitch the Cubs for a game at Wrigley Field.

Peace, E Maj

On Deck

1)Live updates from World Baseball Classic Rd 2 in Anaheim, March 12-16(Baseball’s back, yeah baby)

2)Live updates from World Baseball Classic Finals in San Diego, March 18-20. (including a stab at the "How many High Lifes can a 170lb man consume in 3 days" record)

3)An Interactive Website(mea culpa: sometimes I see the grand end result, and it hamstrings getting the initial product out—i.e. we’re going to try to get the Website up and running, and then make upgrades along the way)

4)The Book(this wild journey began when the Book became a Beginning rather than an End, but then in Beginning the Beginning I forgot to End the End—and if you understood that, email me to tell me what the heck I just said)

5)Possibly a Florida Spring Training Trip(I called an audible to watch a lot of the WBC in person, needed to see first-hand whether or not it’s a joke)

6)More insight from former professionals and toilet humor from the staff.

7)Baseball, Baseball, Baseball.

email me at:
